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Audio Visual and Tech Solutions For Portable Churches

Starting a church is hard.

In many ways it's similar to starting a running a business - as you first start out you are literally wearing every hat possible. From pastor, to dream team leader, to technical director.

We know the struggle because we have been a part of a local church plant for the last 5 years.

That's why we are committed to helping church planters find A\V and technical system and team training that moves their vision forward in 2021.

Our goal is simple - we want to take the stress and struggle off of your pastoral and leadership team. We're here to take the "what if's" and the "how do we" off of your plate and out of your mind.

What if the technical team is ready?

What if the equipment doesn't work?

How do we live stream?

How does this work?

As a committed partner to your vision we are here design and deploy an A\V system that reaches your congregation right where they are.

We know you're swamped so we have made it incredible simple to get in touch with our team.

Head over to mobilechurchsolutions.com
Click the "Let's Do This" button. Schedule your free consultation and breath easy knowing that you will be taken care of by the best team in the world.

Let us help you spread the Gospel through the world in 2021 and beyond.